QBT - Command runArtifact


Build (if necessary) and then run the script “bin/qbt” in the meta_tools.release package, with the arguments “help -a”

$ qbt runArtifact --package meta_tools.release bin/qbt help -a

Examine a file in the artifacts of the meta_tools.release package (runs command in the artifacts dir, and with an absolute path rather than relative path)

$ qbt runArtifact --package meta_tools.release --artifactsDir --absolute /bin/cat qbt.versionDigest

Run link-checker on an executable file in artifacts

$ qbt runArtifact --package some.cpp.application --artifactsDir --absolute /bin/ldd bin/someApplication

Run the application, but only if it is already built, otherwise fail

$ qbt runArtifact --no-builds --package meta_tools.release bin/qbt help -a

Build (if necessary) and then run the script “bin/qbt” in the meta_tools.release package, with the arguments “help -a”, using maximum parallelism for the build

$ qbt runArtifact -J --package meta_tools.release bin/qbt help -a

See Common Options for options shared by most or all commands.


qbt runArtifact is for running artifacts directly out of the artifact cache. It can be very convenient and make the test-build-test cycle faster.

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