QBT - Command updateManifest


Update the manifest file in the working tree to the commit pointed to by HEAD in each sattelite

$ qbt updateManifest

Update the manifest file in the working tree to the commit pointed to by HEAD for just the meta_tools repository

$ qbt updateManifest --repo meta_tools

Update the manifest file to the commit pointed to by HEAD in the meta_tools repo even if the repository is currently dirty (has uncommitted changes)

$ qbt updateManifest --repo meta_tools --allow-dirty

Update the manifest file to the commit pointed to by HEAD in the meta_tools repo even if the change would not be a fast-forward

$ qbt updateManifest --repo meta_tools --allow-non-ff

Upgrade the manifest to the newest version (this is the best way to get manifests updated when a new manifest format comes out)

$ qbt updateManifest --upgrade

See Common Options for options shared by most or all commands.


qbt updateManifest used to be a key command used in creating commits in a QBT workspace, but has been almost completely superceeded by qbt commit. Occasionally you might want to manually go through the steps of creating a commit so you can split a change up, or change dependencies in the manifest, etc., so those are the situations where you would instead use updateManifest.

See also the commit command.

For detailed discussion of the various commit stages, see the Extended Tutorial.

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